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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Crash Course on Python by Google

36,232 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to teach you the foundations in order to write simple programs in Python using the most common structures. No previous exposure to programming is needed. By the end of this course, you will understand the benefits of programming in IT roles; understand basic Python syntax; explore different code editors and developer environments; be able to write simple programs using Python; figure out how the building blocks of programming fit together; and combine all of this knowledge to solve a complex programming problem. We'll start off by diving into the basics of writing a computer program. Along the way, you’ll get hands-on experience with programming concepts through interactive exercises and real-world examples. You’ll quickly start to see how computers can perform a multitude of tasks — you just have to write code that tells them what to do....

Top reviews


Nov 13, 2022

This is actually a really great start for beginners in python. I am an intermediate python developer so for me it was too basic, but still a nice refresher for all the basics that we sometimes forget.


Jun 8, 2020

An excellent course for those who want to boost their programming abilities on Python. It tackles diverse and challenging problems, for you to practice and round out every concept. Highly recommended!

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226 - 250 of 9,942 Reviews for Crash Course on Python

By wikki k


May 17, 2023

"Gratitude is the key that unlocks the doors to knowledge, and I am deeply grateful to Google for providing me with the opportunity to embark on this Python journey. Thank you, Google, for empowering me with the skills to unlock a world of possibilities!"

"This Python course has equipped me with the power to harness the elegance of code, wield the might of data manipulation, summon the artistry of algorithms, and breathe life into my ideas through the language of programming. With these skills, I am ready to paint a masterpiece in the realm of technology."



Apr 11, 2020

I had no background in coding but I could learn some basics of Python from this well designed course. This program was really compelling because every time I face a new concept there was small coding quiz in the middle of the videos. Solving assignments was also really fun. Though I really got frustrated when I couldn't get to the answer quickly, I felt thrilled after overcoming those tip of obstacles. Whenever I see green screen after coding, I could feel the growth of myself.

most importantly thanks for the kind explanation and lovely instructor.

By Ka K C C


Jan 17, 2021

Christine is an amazing instructor! Always encouraging and clear. The content of this course is well organized and is structured in a logical way that help us to understand the concepts step by step, thank Marga for this! The discussion forum is so helpful that there are always helpful fellow learners helping each others out, which makes a huge difference as I progress though the course. Thank you everyone who are involved in this course. This course is engaging and fun, highly recommended to anyone who would like to learn Python as a beginner.

By Kenneth G S


Sep 24, 2021

Good introduction to python with information and exercises on conditionals, loops, and basic data-structures: integers, strings, lists and dictionaries. An optional section on object-oriented programming really helps explain classes, attributes and methods, along with an introduction to creating new classes.

Excellent teaching style without long, boring videos. I think the longest one was 10 minutes, and most were 3-4 minutes. Plenty of chances to practice. All taught with a very fun attitude and style.

I thoroughly enjoyed this course.

By Tushar A S


Aug 12, 2021

Starting from basic syntax to learning various data structures be it strings, lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries or the Loops, conditionals statements, and Classes and methods, Inheritance, composition, and a lot more Object-oriented programming concepts, everything was beautifully explained and assessed .

Much Recommended course for beginners. Don't overthink and just start your python journey.

Thanks to the energetic instructor, Christine Rafla for the motivation to complete the course and lot more. Thanks Google and the course creators.

By Ian P


Apr 9, 2022

I had pretty decent Python knowledge before this course...I've been learning it on codecademy for 6-7 months, and passed my PCAP recently. This course was a great refresher, and taught me some new methods/functions that were not covered in either of the former utilities I had used to learn the language. If I hadn't had that prior experience, it would have taken much longer to get through the info, but I can verify it was a fairly comprehensive course for being so compact. I loved all the puns and the interface is very useable. Thanks!

By Mario C


Apr 14, 2021

Great course and great introduction to learning Python! I highly encourage anyone who is wanting to learn Python to take this course as it was very instructional and full of great information that was easily understandable. As you went on week by week, the code advanced more and more and everything was there for you to learn and take in. If you ran across any mistakes, you were easily able to go back to the selected video's or reading material to find where you went wrong and try to fix your issue. I enjoyed this course very much!

By Neha S


Aug 24, 2020

Some help should have been provided for the final submission not in the form of doing half the coding but with understanding errors. This being a crash course and for non-technical students too, sometimes it becomes difficult to understand the error code.

Also since class and objects are optional and complicated quite frankly, errors related to same in final submission with no partial marking was quite a setback.

Hope I was able to convey the problem, but the course content was otherwise great and I learned a lot. Thank you!! :D

By Nirmal B


Mar 5, 2023

Excellent way of teaching, practice quiz and graded assignment and the questions asked during the videos are a good way to comprehend the subject.

Thank you Google for your wonderful team who made this programme success. You keept your words that "Fresher with no IT background can complete this course". I am a middle aged mad with no background of programming. I was afraid initially when I joined this programme. Thank you once again for boosting my confidence and others who are trying to learn through you. God bless you all!

By qianru z


Apr 25, 2024

The course structure was exceptional, providing a clear and organized pathway through the intricacies of Python programming. The professional insights offered throughout the course were invaluable, providing a deeper understanding of the language's core concepts. The content was presented in a neat and clear manner, making it easy to follow and comprehend even for beginners. Overall, I found the course to be an excellent resource for anyone looking to grasp the essence of Python programming efficiently. Highly recommended!

By Syeda N A


Jul 10, 2023

The Crash Course on Python provides a great introduction of programming to any contributor who has no prior experience but still want to get into the data field. Through this course, I learned the basic concepts of Conditionals, Loops, Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, Objects and many more.

Overall, this course enhanced my skillset and as a new Data Analyst, I got some more useful tools into my toolkit. As a new programmer, I think train your brain for programming is the most important and bit challenging part of the program.

By Sumanth R


Aug 7, 2021

it was fabulous learning experience and most interesting to me is the videos for short duration by which it propelled me to watch videos several times when I have got stuck in this course. Practice plays major role while learning rather getting knowledge just by listening. Practice questions helped me a lot to learn new concepts perfectly and also to solve assignment questions

My suggestion is that you can also involve tutor in discussion prompt or otherwise provide any mean of social media to connect with tutor

By Fabricio G


Jul 30, 2020

Excelente. Me encanta esta plataforma. Todo está hecho de una manera excelente: las explicaciones, los ejercicios, los exámenes.

El único mínimo detalle es que el examen final debí realizarlo dos veces. Sin cambiar en nada el código, la primera vez lo desaprobé (a pesar de haber generado lo solicitado) y la segunda lo aprobé.

De todos modos, fue una gran experiencia. No sabía nada de Python y terminé el curso teniendo los conocimientos básicos esperados. Espero poder participar de los próximos cursos de Python.

By Fazal E S


Jun 9, 2023

It provided a comprehensive introduction to the basics of Python programming. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking to start coding in Python. Although it was a bit fast-paced for individuals who are also working, allocating 2 to 3 hours daily to study would be sufficient. In my opinion, there is no better course than this one for getting started with Python. I am grateful to Coursera, Google, and especially Christine Rafla for their efforts in creating such a valuable learning resource.

By Панин И С


Aug 5, 2020

Thanks to the teachers for everything!In this course, I learned a lot about how and where you can put your knowledge of the Python programming language into practice.Most of all I learned about all data types including strings, lists, dictionaries, loops. I outlined all this on 50+ pages! Priceless knowledge!Thanks to you Coursera and Google, I am sure a bright, bright, happy future awaits me!I will definitely continue to take your courses.P.S. Special thanks to Coursera for providing financial assistance!

By TejasH M


Aug 14, 2023

I am completely new to programming, and I have been seeking to learn Python. Despite exploring various online resources, I found that none of them proved to be particularly helpful. Subsequently, I decided to enroll in a Python course on Coursera that caters to beginners. Throughout this course, I have gained a deeper understanding of Python programming. The course has been instrumental in introducing me to new concepts, and it has significantly contributed to my journey of getting started with Python.

By Julio J M G R


Oct 11, 2022

Crash Course on Python es un curso muy completo. La instructora es excelente y sus videos muy refrescantes ya que siempre transmite buenas sensaciones. Las tareas a veces bastante complicadas si las comparas con las explicaciones de los videos, aunque pienso que eso es mejor que lo contrario. El tema opcional de "Programación Orientada a Objetos me costó bastante porque era mi primer contacto con este paradigma. Tuve que detenerme para sentirme ligeramente seguro en el tema. Lo recomiendo ampliamente.

By Marcelo V


Aug 8, 2022

The last project is more demanding than usual, but, we survived. Fortunately, we can use powerful libraries developed by an enthusiastic community. On the other hand, this language is easy to learn, even though the blocks must have the right indentation. We miss the curly braces to delimit the blocks of code. I tried to figure out the problem with the widget. Maybe the instructors did it on purpose, leaving a rock in the middle of the highway to see if we really are problem solvers or not. Ha ha ha

By Mr H


Nov 24, 2020

Liked a lot this course! Its super easy to follow along, the videos are self contained and highlight key concepts worth remembering in order to improve skills. The OOP and recursion sections were very interesting, as well as the excercises with them; some beginners courses of Python don't include them so it was a plus. Finally I liked the quizzes between the videos, as they challenge you to follow along the concepts and keeping them in mind. Enjoyed this a lot and looking forward to the next one!

By Rajkamal M (


Apr 6, 2022

This course was great! I have been mostly a manual tester (but I have coded in COBOL before, that uses a very different paradigm). Now, when I look at code in my current organization (Python), I am able to read it more easily and clearly and understand the flow.

While writing complex code takes a lot of practice (and I sure intend to keep practicing), this course has greatly increased my ability to read code and understand the flow (and write small scripts) for the time being.

Highly recommended.

By Felix G R


Aug 27, 2020

Course is well organized with a lot of essential Python information given to the beginner programmer

at a good pace, with exercises and test questions to allow master the new material. Students forum

allows to share learners problems , solutions or misconceptions to help new learner to proceed at a

decent pace. The Final project using Jupyter notebooks is a little bit difficult for a new learner and should be modified with instructions suggesting to a student to search Google for some solutions.

By Daniel V


May 2, 2022

Excellent intro course for beginners to programming. Any time I felt hung up, it was usually due to me missing something in the video. Every sentence during explanations is important and may be the missing key to completing something later. Don't overlook anything. If you need more examples of something used in other situations, just use a websearch or the stack overflow website. They even encourage it and provide weblinks for various resources since researching is invaluble in the work place.

By Oscar D M P


Jun 29, 2023

At last I was able to take a course that has had the following:

1. Didactic with examples in an IT environment.

2. Exercises increasingly complex.

3. And links to various sources to keep practicing.

Previously I took the Python course twice with other institutions, but they were very simple, it seemed that you already mastered it, when in reality you didn't leave a very basic level.

Instead, this Google course led by Christine Rafla has pushed me a lot more than expected. Now, if I feel satisfied.

By parth s


May 14, 2021

very useful course for the learners who just want to get started with Python. The course gradually raises the level of difficulty and deliver the content such that learners can learn it with fun. The course instructor teaches the concepts by taking the real world examples which help us in the better understanding of concepts. I particularly liked the object oriented programming part of this course. Though it was optional one, but in my opinion, it is the best value addition for me.

By Alina H


May 6, 2020

Dear, Christine Rafla,

You're an excellent teacher, I'm so grateful for your support and believing in our knowledge. Your enthusiasm is easy to catch and feel. But it even can't describe the advantages of the course, you also provided us with really interesting examples, which is easy for understanding for the first time. Thank you for your job☺🤩

And especially want to thank each member of your team for producing such an amazing course. Can't wait to continue my studying with you)